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What are people using to pay for home health care out of pocket?

Many create a budget to pay for home healthcare from multiple sources, among them:

  • Annuities

  • Investments and savings

  • Life insurance policies that can be used for qualified home-care expenses through cash value or an accelerated death benefit

  • Borrowing, for example by taking out a reverse mortgage or home equity loan

Is there available government financial assistance for home health care?

You can get help paying for in-home care if you don't have insurance coverage for long-term care and can't afford to pay out of existing financial resources. These include, but are not limited to, Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran's Programs, tax deductions, and PACE.


See below for more answers to your home health care questions >>

>> Where do I start to find coverage for home health care services?

>> What is the difference between home care and home health care?

>> How can I afford home care or home health care services?

>>What government assistance programs are available for home health care services?

>>What home health care services does Medicare cover?

>>What home health care services does Medicaid cover?

>>What home health care services does Veteran's Programs cover?

>>What home health care services does PACE cover?

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